Monday, May 11, 2009

Suicide is becoming the next deadly fad?

-or is it the only way out?

"A wise man once said If you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes."

The headlines have taken great attention to the citizens of Cagayan de Oro City when a fresh graduate committed suicide, and to top it off, was with honors- Magna Cum Laude to be exact.

Top grad commits suicide

"A FRESH graduate of Xavier University shocked family and friends when he committed suicide for still unknown reasons on Thursday last week.

Twenty-year-old Roldan Bacodan, who graduated last March as magna cum laude and with a degree in elementary education, died in a hospital a few hours after he was rushed there by family members...."

read more:

You may have on thought... how on earth!?...that was so stupid!
But we really don't know what they were going through that time when they finally had the resolve to kill themselves just to be "free."

Just a week ago, another Xavier University student committed suicide. A nursing student hanged himself in his room and was found dead by his aunt while checking up on him.

It really got me thinking, what are the youth really up to today... I always thought of suicide isn't the only way out... in fact that's gonna cause more problems. WHY DID HE DIE? WHY DID HE DO THIS? HE WAS DOING SO WELL, I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY HE DIED? The people you left behind are left with scars of pains that is not gonna be erased for a lifetime.

I believe in heaven and hell.

ItalicNot to push you to my ideals in life, but if for them (who just committed suicide) here on earth is HELL itself already... what more if you die by sinning (and that is to kill yourself) you go to the real thing -HELL which is x1000000000000000000000000000000 more pain.

I believe that if we get some help, we can overcome this challenges in life. I have done that so far and I'm getting good results. I admit, i get thoughts of suicide at times, but never killed myself -so far. I just wish for the people who is alive and may be reading this blog... PLEASE, think before you finally cut that vein, hang your head, or get killed by a fast truck...

What will happen to my family?
What will happen to my friends?
Will they even be happy?
The people i care about, ill never see them again.

A friend of mine said "who cares! I'm already dead (if he was the one who committed suicide)" as i told him the consequences when a person dies. Well, YOU SHOULD CARE if you ask me. But i guess people who decided to end their lives have thought of these things but felt the weight of their problems were heavier.

Days after that nursing student died, a classmate of my friend also committed suicide by hanging herself. Speculation said she decided to end her life after catching his boyfriend cheating on her.

How sad... what is happening to the youth today...

-AmFaru (hoping to not use suicide as an option, ever.)

posted on: May 12, 2009, 12:33 PM


  1. seriously? another suicide after eisengod? from xu still? oh my... what is happening..


  2. youll never what a person is thinking.

    Suicide is never really an answer, but its a call for help [ Trust me on this. ] pero maybe it was just too late.

    A fact is, people who commit suicide and actually succeeded do not intentionally mean to commit suicide. get what i mean ? Almost 70% of suicide victims do not actually intend to kill themselves. Some happen by accident. Suicide is actually a form of escape, or not... a call for help.

  3. I agree Ann, it is. I had this conversation with a friend yesterday... we concluded that some suicides were a result of "im going to kill myself.. oh wait, nevermind... too late my blood is spilling"

    Nobody could really tell why and they are not around to tell us why either.

  4. maybe they just run out of outlets. Or the help didn't came on time. Most of the suicide victims tried to call someone (one of their friends who they think can help) but unfortunately, they can't pick up the phone because they are busy or something. It's making me upset hearing news like this...


  5. Suicide is not becoming a fad, it has always been there.

    Adolf Hitler, Vincent Van Gogh, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix

    and on a fictional account, Juliet.

    In fact in feudal Japan, harakiris and kamikazees were acts of honor.

    It's all a matter of belief and culture. Some religions have hells and underworlds and such while others have Val Halla & God knows what.

    Though the main factor is not the difference between beliefs but the difference between personalities and coping mechanisms of the "suicidals" and the "not-suicidals" in contrast to what they may or may not experience in their day to day lives.

    Psychologists and Psychiatrist are only allowed to listen and treat but never to give advise, because in the first place people can't pretend they know what's best for other people- as reflected in the wisdom of "walking on that person's shoes" reference.

    IMO the ones who hate experiencing suicide cases the most are the ones left behind because they get to suffer from grief and anguish while the dead person they mourn upon is already free from emotions to suffer from.

  6. Yes, imagine what kind of pressure given to you when you were the last person (and called a couple of times) that suicide victim before ending his/her life. I would blame myself... thinking maybe i can do something him/her...Its quite sad indeed.

  7. Yes i agree Kristoff. We are left with grief while they are free from it.. (or not?). Yes, i know it has always been there but i heard 3 suicide cases in one summer so far (i hope it doesn't add up) that are, well, acquiatances. Im slowly sinking in my sit thinking the "IN" emo thing is to slash your wrists till the pain goes away.

    I remember my brother quoting "girls have only 25 times of slashing their wrists before they decide to really kill themselves while the boys have only 2 times of slashing before they finally decide to kill themselves"

    Its funny how, but now i think about it, the suicide case of Juliet... i was taking it lightly. I realized now, it was bloody and gruesome... and imagine... she was only 16... and not to mention Romeo too had followed her lead. If those fanatics ends up in this similar situation... what do you think they will do?

    Not good at all.

  8. Emo isn't that in anymore...well the people who committed suicide had no apparent (outwardly) reason to do so.

    Our generation is prone to suicide, couldn't even believe my friend would do it :(

  9. how do you help a person who is suicidal then?

    I believe it's the battle inside that matters. Sometimes people just plummet downwards no matter how hard we try DX

  10. Funny , was thinking on writing something similar to this.

    Although suicide has always been there .. but it is becoming worse because it affecting younger and younger people.

    The sad thing is that they died a sad death .

    Indeed we must not judge what they went through or the reason for their decision .. alas, there are alot more better ways to solve a problem.

    Every problem has a solution .. in fact solutions. Some might be difficult , some easy. It's your strength as a person that will carry you through it.

    the more tests and difficulties that you undergo, the stronger and wiser you become..

    sad thing is ... alot of times, we are over protected . and when problems come our way, we wouldn't know how to get out of it.

  11. Yes, sometimes i fear those spoiled children (given whatever they want - but not actually what the need at times) are more prone to dying a sad death such as this. They are the one often gives up once they see a big problem arising because they do not know how to act... or what to do. And if they dont get proper guidance.. they might...


  12. Yo amp densio here. Hehehe.

    oh my I heard this story not too long ago, but I heard the reason was because he wasn't satisfied with his achievement as Magna cum laude...weeii o_o

    I kind of understand why they want to commit suicide, I mean who wouldn't? Perhaps the only ones who wouldn't understand would be those who've never experienced being on the verge of insanity. For me though, suicide is a very selfish "decision" for very obvious reasons. There were times when I wanted to kill myself too, especially when everything became too emotional, too heavy and too tiresome...But it's always worth it in the end right? Sigh...

  13. Densio, i heard it was because of his mother. He was really depressed about the death of his mother and has been carrying that burden for 3 years until he finally decided to end his life after realizing that his mom wasn't with him when he graduated. But I'm not sure about that, as i said he cant prove his claims cause his dead and i don't want to make speculations.

    It is selfish, yes, but i guess you couldn't think of it that way when you are really on the verge of THE EDGE... you know what i mean?

  14. they say there are already 4 suicides in xu this summer. this one, eisegod, one from engeneering and one close to my turf, a psych student.


    people who do this are idiots.

    i know im being rude, but its the truth. they are all idiots with no effing respect for their lives and have absolultely no care for the others around them.

    now, i do respect them, of course, but i dont respect their actions. their actions have spread sadness and dispair for the ones who love them.

    if ya got a problem, share it.


  15. Well yes, Stephen. But they were really confused that time... and maybe though we are ready to help them... they didnt seek for our help. I guess... we really cant judge them.

  16. Asking a severely depressed person not to end his/her own life is almost similar to person who is diagnosed with terminal cancer not to die anytime soon.

    Steve,like you mentioned,you're a psychology major,so you should know that. If people are confused enough to commit crazy acts such as shortening their own life, don't you think their minds could still function rationally and sort out people who they could go to for help.

    And if majority of the society adopts the line of thought that "those who commit suicide are idiots" or "emo is the new adjective of wrist cutting. People only do it because it's becoming the new fad"-

    Then it's already a direct contradiction to your statement that "if people have problems they should share it". Because you have already implied that they will be subjected to ridicule/criticisms and that they will be judge because they are contemplating suicide and suicide is idiotic.

    It'll make it even harder for them to open up. Instead of considering to talk to you they'll fear that they'll get labelled as "emo" or "idiot" or God-knows-what and they'd feel more isolated.

    I've read in one Psychology journals that most people who commit suicide don't necessarily want to die, they just want their pain to end.

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but then again depression clouds up one's sense of judgement and decision making skills.

    Besides, we should also consider things that not all people have the same motivations and definitions of "things to live for" so don't say things such as "they have no respect for life". In the end only the persons who attempt suicide will know how much they tried.


    my comment is almost longer than Reika's entire blog entry. So sorry T^T

  17. ^kadaghan ba gud wrong grammar & typo error. dili na maedit ang posts diri sa blogspot? T^T

  18. psychologically speaking, you wouldbe right toffeecandy, but, im talking about human and spiritual morals.

    if a person commits suicide, psycologically speaking, he needs psychiatric help because depression has corrupted his brain.

    personally speaking, if a person commits suicide, he/she is a total idiot and a coward, plus he/she just recieved a one-way ticket to the fiery underworld.

    one more thing, it is indeed crucial that we help these poor bastards cuz again, psychologically speaking, they need help, and help we shall give to those who seek it. .

    on a side note: wa jud typo error corrector diri sa blogspot huhuhuhu. T_T

  19. VERY late comment. Ky karon pa nako nabasa >.> sucks to have so many sites to follow..
    anyway, suicide is indeed not an answer to life's problems...but then again, we can't blame those who seek it as a form of sanctuary or something like that...
    as toff said, it depends on the culture as other cultures see it as an honorable thing...I don't know how to deal with people like them except to hear them out. Heck, I, myself, am prone to suicidal thoughts...but hesitate in doing them coz I am afraid coz it might hurt I making sense here? D:
