Monday, May 11, 2009

Suicide is becoming the next deadly fad?

-or is it the only way out?

"A wise man once said If you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes."

The headlines have taken great attention to the citizens of Cagayan de Oro City when a fresh graduate committed suicide, and to top it off, was with honors- Magna Cum Laude to be exact.

Top grad commits suicide

"A FRESH graduate of Xavier University shocked family and friends when he committed suicide for still unknown reasons on Thursday last week.

Twenty-year-old Roldan Bacodan, who graduated last March as magna cum laude and with a degree in elementary education, died in a hospital a few hours after he was rushed there by family members...."

read more:

You may have on thought... how on earth!?...that was so stupid!
But we really don't know what they were going through that time when they finally had the resolve to kill themselves just to be "free."

Just a week ago, another Xavier University student committed suicide. A nursing student hanged himself in his room and was found dead by his aunt while checking up on him.

It really got me thinking, what are the youth really up to today... I always thought of suicide isn't the only way out... in fact that's gonna cause more problems. WHY DID HE DIE? WHY DID HE DO THIS? HE WAS DOING SO WELL, I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY HE DIED? The people you left behind are left with scars of pains that is not gonna be erased for a lifetime.

I believe in heaven and hell.

ItalicNot to push you to my ideals in life, but if for them (who just committed suicide) here on earth is HELL itself already... what more if you die by sinning (and that is to kill yourself) you go to the real thing -HELL which is x1000000000000000000000000000000 more pain.

I believe that if we get some help, we can overcome this challenges in life. I have done that so far and I'm getting good results. I admit, i get thoughts of suicide at times, but never killed myself -so far. I just wish for the people who is alive and may be reading this blog... PLEASE, think before you finally cut that vein, hang your head, or get killed by a fast truck...

What will happen to my family?
What will happen to my friends?
Will they even be happy?
The people i care about, ill never see them again.

A friend of mine said "who cares! I'm already dead (if he was the one who committed suicide)" as i told him the consequences when a person dies. Well, YOU SHOULD CARE if you ask me. But i guess people who decided to end their lives have thought of these things but felt the weight of their problems were heavier.

Days after that nursing student died, a classmate of my friend also committed suicide by hanging herself. Speculation said she decided to end her life after catching his boyfriend cheating on her.

How sad... what is happening to the youth today...

-AmFaru (hoping to not use suicide as an option, ever.)

posted on: May 12, 2009, 12:33 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pizza would also be good without hot sauce...

...Pizza for breakfast, Lasagna for lunch... so where's dinner? you ask.

This marks the first post of my blog...... I was busy asking people what should my first blog post be? I thought it would be something dramatic or something intriguing, but sadly, i could not think of anything else but food. So there, thanks for my-being a glutton, i have named my blog page with 2 of my most favorite food. And NO, I'm not fat... in fact I am not even chubby but still a glutton (Hurray for genes! Hurray for fast metabolism). My aunt even thought i was anorexic (or also known as anorexia nervosa*) but no, i just feel like throwing up after eating too much pasta that evening when we went out for dinner with my cousins. One of my dreams is to be able to fill up my fridge with sweets of all kinds -including almonds and jelly beans. Imagine what my sweet tooth will be screaming when that day comes, but as for now, i am a struggling college student trying to cope up with life's challenges. I may not be also a college student next sem...

I've been long wondering how come people write blogs, I even write before and didn't want people to read it because its long and sad and it really reflects what I've been going through that time. So i thought it was just something I can let my feelings be expressed without anyone pointing fingers at me saying "I'm wrong, listen to me, and this is how you do it." So freedom of expression is how you should put it, but i just don't get it how come people are so hooked up to some blogs, i really would like to know how they put magic to their words so that people will be constantly be interested on what you were going to say (or write). It wasn't just mindless babble, it was words with wisdom and knocks sense out of you. But i guess that isnt true for all, i also have read blogs where they sought to destroy another by expressing their discontentment.

But i would like to learn how to spread some magic in my words so people would like what im writing and be able to read them as day pass.

That would be my blog post for today, sadly there is no pasta today... i hope there is one tomorroww! Yum! :)

-AmFaru (the glutton?)
(Seeing as the time is not right on when i actually posted so I'm going to post the exact time and date i have finished writing. May 11, 2009, 3:34 PM)
Author's footnotes
anorexia nervosa: is a psychiatric illness that describes an eating disorder characterized by extremely low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight.